Submission Guidelines
The Granite State Geologist is always looking for interesting and relevant material to include in its quaterly publication. Below are some guidelines for submissions:
- Advance Announcements of meetings or other events
- Geologic and Hydrologic book reviews
- Short Articles about New Hampshire or New England geology or earth science
- Technical Articles of interest to New Hampshire geologists
- Short Articles about the history of the practice of geology in this region
- Biographical Profiles
- Student Abstracts, either from Students in New Hampshire schools, or from students elsewhere but doing work in New Hampshire
- Black and white or color artwork
- Opinion Pieces, controversial or otherwise
- Humorous Stories
Please send your submission to the Editor:
Jenny Lambert
Nobis Engineering
[email protected]
The deadlines for publications in The Granite State Geologist are March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1. Of course, early submittals are greatly appreciated, and indeed submissions are welcome anytime! Submissions in electronic format are strongly encouraged: the newsletter is assembled in MS Word, but Rich-Text-Format (RTF) or most other word processing programs are also acceptable. Text can also be extracted from the body of an email message if necessary. Art-work or images should be clear and of high quality and include a caption or documentation/photo attribution.