The Geological Society of New Hampshire's Newsletter, The Granite State Geologist, is published approximately quarterly, and is e-mailed to members of the Society, usually several weeks before the Fall, Winter and Spring dinner meetings, and in the Summer.
Visit our page of back issues to download any of the GSNH newsletters back-issues.
The NHCPG published separate newsletters from October 1998 through December 2001. Back issues of NHCPG are also available on-line. See links above for all of this newsletter information.
GSNH Field Trip Guidebooks
A Guidebook is published for some summer field trips. Copies are provided to trip registrants, and any extra copies are made available for sale at the Annual Meeting or can be found in the filed trips link.
We also maintain a directory of New Hampshire Geology and other Geology Sites of interest on the internet. Click on GeoLinks to the left.
The Geological Society of New Hampshire's Newsletter, The Granite State Geologist, is published approximately quarterly, and is e-mailed to members of the Society, usually several weeks before the Fall, Winter and Spring dinner meetings, and in the Summer.
Visit our page of back issues to download any of the GSNH newsletters back-issues.
The NHCPG published separate newsletters from October 1998 through December 2001. Back issues of NHCPG are also available on-line. See links above for all of this newsletter information.
GSNH Field Trip Guidebooks
A Guidebook is published for some summer field trips. Copies are provided to trip registrants, and any extra copies are made available for sale at the Annual Meeting or can be found in the filed trips link.
We also maintain a directory of New Hampshire Geology and other Geology Sites of interest on the internet. Click on GeoLinks to the left.