Welcome to the Geological Society of New Hampshire
Thursday, January 16, 2025 - Virtual Meeting
6:30 pm Breakout Room Networking
7:00 pm Announcements and Speaker Presentation
Nelson Eby, professor at UMass Lowell
The Killer Lakes of Cameroon
On the night of August 12, 1984, 17 mysterious deaths occurred near Lake Monoun, Cameroon. Two years later, on the night of August 21, 1986, 1700+ mysterious deaths occurred near Lake Nyos. What caused these deaths – bad actors or natural processes? An international team investigated these deaths and came to a surprising conclusion.
Lakes Monoun and Nyos fill volcanic craters and are part of the active string of volcanoes known as the Cameroon line. These volcanoes lie along a SE-NW trend that spans the boundary between the Atlantic Ocean and the African continent. Did the geology play a role in the disasters? To find out attend the meeting.
RSVP by emailing [email protected].
GET IT NOW - GSNH Winter Newsletter Issues #127
If you would like to include information in the next GSNH Newsletter please contact Jenny Lambert.
The next Board of Directors Meeting is in March 2024.
If you are interested in attending a BOD Meeting please contact Abby Fopiano - Board President.
Who we are...We are a group of geologists, professional geologists and people interested in geology. Our purpose is to advance the science of geology and the geologic sciences as a profession in New Hampshire. We publish four newsletters a year and host three dinner meetings with interesting speakers and a field trip each year. Check out our newsletter on the Publications page and click on Meetings and Events for our next gathering. If you are a teacher, click on the Outreach Activities button on the left for resources that we offer educators. We maintain a list of available opportunities for continuing education on the Continuing Education page. We also publish Job Listings as they come our way. We always welcome new members. Click on Membership & Sponsorship for information on how to join the society. Explore our site and learn more about what we have to offer!
Happenings |