Classroom Enhancement Grant
Teachers across the state of New Hampshire are invited to submit applications for a grant of funds (up to $500) to support the purchase of earth-science related teaching materials (equipment or supplies) for use in their classroom. The award is open to NH K-12 School teachers who seek to add to their schools earth-science teaching materials in a manner consistent with the purposes of the Geological Society of New Hampshire.
Interested applicants should complete a grant application form and mail it to the address below. The application form is available in Word and Adobe formats. The application must be accompanied by a letter of endorsement from the applicant's school principal. Applications will be considered as they are received, grants will be awarded up to the awarded amount upon submittal of itemized receipts to the Society. Applications should be sent to:
Geological Society of New Hampshire
Classroom Enhancement Grant
P.O. Box 401
Concord, NH 03302
Geological Society of New Hampshire
Classroom Enhancement Grant
P.O. Box 401
Concord, NH 03302
Please note: The NH Capital Mineral Club also has grant money available.
Click on “Scholarships” at:
Click on “Scholarships” at: