Continuing Education and CEH Opportunities
Below are listed various educational opportunities for geology. These programs are not limited to Professional Geologists, they are open for anyone with an interest in learning more about the various facets of geology. For Professional Geologists, these are opportunities to gain Continuing Education Hours (CEHs) and are provided with the following caveats:
- The New Hampshire Joint Board does not pre-approve any activity for CEHs.
- Guidance on the criteria that continuing education activities must meet is located in the Code of Administrative Rules, Part Geo 403. The continuing education requirements and a Generic Activity Form and Continuing Education Activity Log are located at:
- GSNH has not evaluated any of the activities that are sponsored by other organizations. This list is simply provided as a service to Professional Geologists seeking opportunities to gain CEH.
Dated Activities
On-Going Activities
10 Years Post-Collapse of the Old Man of the Mountain - An Analyses of Events - An excerpt from the NEIGC 101st Meeting Field Trip Guide
The Weston Observatory of Boston College hosts a series of colloquia regarding regional and world geology. A schedule can be found at their website.
The Mt. Washington Observatory conducts winter educational field trips, some of which are focused on or relate to geology. For details, visit their website.
The New England Section of the Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG) meets monthly (generally the third Thursday of the month) and the lecture portion of the meeting counts for 1 hour of continuing education. For details about the next meeting visit:
Online Courses:
The Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) offers internet-based training primarily for environmental technologies. The sessions last 2.25 hours and cover technical and regulatory information. A list of the available courses can be found at
Red Vector offers online courses for various licensed professionals. To view courses that are gology-related search on the "New Hampshire Other Professions" list. The sessions last from 1 to 8 hours depending on the topic. The list of topics can be found at
The following organizations sponsor courses or conferences throughout the year. These are offered in a variety of states, so check their websites for locations and complete details.
If you know if other continuing education opportunities, please EMAIL GSNH
The Weston Observatory of Boston College hosts a series of colloquia regarding regional and world geology. A schedule can be found at their website.
The Mt. Washington Observatory conducts winter educational field trips, some of which are focused on or relate to geology. For details, visit their website.
The New England Section of the Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG) meets monthly (generally the third Thursday of the month) and the lecture portion of the meeting counts for 1 hour of continuing education. For details about the next meeting visit:
Online Courses:
The Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) offers internet-based training primarily for environmental technologies. The sessions last 2.25 hours and cover technical and regulatory information. A list of the available courses can be found at
Red Vector offers online courses for various licensed professionals. To view courses that are gology-related search on the "New Hampshire Other Professions" list. The sessions last from 1 to 8 hours depending on the topic. The list of topics can be found at
The following organizations sponsor courses or conferences throughout the year. These are offered in a variety of states, so check their websites for locations and complete details.
- Licensed Site Professional Association
- Environmental Professionals' Organization of Connecticut
- The Midwest GeoSciences Group
- The National Ground Water Association
- The Nielsen Environmental Field School
- Petroleum Institute for Continuing Education Inc. (PEICE)
If you know if other continuing education opportunities, please EMAIL GSNH